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The aim of all study programs at the University of Rijeka is to provide students with sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge so they can successfully proceed to become a part of either the corporate or academic world upon completing any given study program. 
One becomes a student at the University of Rijeka by enrolling in any given Faculty or University Department. 
A student can enroll either as a full-time or part-time student. 
Full-time students are those who study according to a program based on a full-time schedule and class attendance is mandatory as are all class activities. The tuition for a full-time study program is partly or completely subsidized by the state budget, dependent on the student’s entry exam score and their subsequent grades and achievements throughout the semesters of the study program.
Part-time students are those attending the academic program part-time (holding down either a job or other activity that demands a specific program). Part-time students can be freed from certain class obligations, pursuant to the study program. The tuition for the part-time study program is met completely by the students themselves. The conditions of payment are regulated by the University of Rijeka Senate.
Student status is proved by the Student Index. Alongside the Index, student status can also be proved by the X-card, i.e. the SmartX card.



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