Pursuant to the Act on Recognition of Foreign Educational Qualifications, (Official Gazette 69/2022), and the The Code Of The Academic Recognition Of Foreign Higher Education Qualifications is authorized to carry out the following procedures:
- the procedure of recognizing foreign higher education qualifications for the purpose of continuing education (academic recognition) and
- the procedure of recognizing study periods carried out at a foreign higher education institution for the purpose of continuing higher education at our University.
For recognition of higher education qualifications for the purpose of continuing education (academic recognition) the following is required:
- complete an application form and collect all necessary documentation
- pay procedure expense fees
- send the completed application form with all necessary documentation in PDF format by e-mail to the e-mail address recognition@uniri.hr
For initiating the procedure for recognition of a period of study carried out at a foreign higher education institution for the purpose of continuing one’s higher education please contact the faculty/department directly
Focus on Automatic Institutional Recognition project (FAIR)
The objective of the Focus on Automatic Institutional Recognition project – FAIR is to improve recognition procedures in the EHEA by implementing elements of automatic recognition.
University of Rijeka is one of the partners in this project.
The project is coordinate by the Dutch NUFFIC .
Office for Academic Recognition of Foreign Higher Education Qualifications
Andrea Miočić, prof.