3rd CALL
On behalf of the University of Rijeka Doctoral School, it is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the first International Doctoral Conference jointly organized by the UNIRI Doctoral School and the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Department of Biomedical Sciences in Rijeka, Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences – Branch office Rijeka within the scope of the Alps-Adriatic Rector’s Conference (AARC), set to take place on September 19th and 20th, 2019 at the University of Rijeka Campus starting at 9 am.
We are happy to announce that this year’s conference will host eminent international speakers who will give lectures on current topics from the field of Innovative Biomedical Technologies. The conference will also serve as an opportunity to present the results of scientific research conducted by doctoral students, in the form of posters and presentations on selected topics.
We are looking forward to hosting you at the PhD Conference in Rijeka.
2nd CALL
It is an honor to announce that the co-organizer of the Conference is the prestigious Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Department of Biomedical Sciences in Rijeka, Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences – Branch office Rijeka presented by the academician Daniel Rukavina, PhD, Professor Emeritus.
This year’s Conference will present current topics in the field of Innovative Technologies in Biomedicine, where the distinguished plenary lecturers will present novelties in the field.
The official language of the conference is English.
Submission of abstracts are accepted until September 1st 2019 through the online Submission Form or via e-mail: doktorska@uniri.hr
Notice of acceptance of poster presentation will be delivered by September 10th 2019.
Admission is free, participants are kindly requested to complete online Registration Form or to apply via e-mail: doktorska@uniri.hr until August 31st 2019.
We are looking forward to meeting in Rijeka – the European Capital of Culture 2020!
At the end of May 2018, the University of Rijeka, headed by Madame Rector Snježana Prijić-Samaržija, took over the one-year presidency of the Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference (AARC). Within the AARC presidency, the University of Rijeka will organize the international AARC PhD. Conference on September 19thand 20th2019 at the University of Rijeka Campus, University Departments buildings, room O-028, with the official beginning at 9:00.
This year’s Conference will present current topics in the field of Innovative Technologies in Biomedicine, where the distinguished plenary lecturers will present novelties in the field. As part of the conference, poster presentations and chosen oral presentations of the
The official language of the conference is English.
Submission of abstracts should be submitted until July 1st 2019 through the online form.
Notice of acceptance of poster presentation will be delivered by August 15th 2019.
Participation at the conference is free.
Conference website and social event registration: Online form