18th Science Festival Postponed

17.03.2020. / news / university and community

Due to the epidemiological situation in Croatia and Europe and precautionary measures we are all required to take, we have decided to postpone the 18th Science Festival until October.

The new date of the Festival will be 12-17 October 2020.

The scientific community is the only one who can predict and offer relevant results and solutions to the problem in situations like this, which is exactly what the public is expecting from it. We notice that the presence of representatives of the scientific community in the media has lately increased in comparison with the past 17 years of our attempt to popularize science. Due to the circumstances, the public has become more aware of the work and research they do in the labs, far from the public eye.

Scientists are neither magicians nor psychics, which is what the goal of this Festival has been for the past 17 years – a demystification of science, bringing science closer to everyone to raise awareness of its importance and omnipresence in the society. Our lives are constantly made better, preserved and saved by the scientific achievements.

This year’s Festival marks our coming of age. Legally this would mean becoming eligible to work, gaining the right to vote, get married… However, this would also mean taking full responsibility for our actions. By postponing the Festival for October, we are being responsible for every participant of our programs, just like our colleagues all around the world took the responsibility of finding the adequate protection for what is most important – human lives.

The topic of this year’s Festival is the culture of science and by making this decision we are trying to communicate this culture of science between scientists and the public reasonably to uphold mutual trust and understanding.


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