Call for Abstracts – Eurostudents 2021

26.03.2021. / news / Students

Being a higher education student is an increasingly common experience across the world, with participation rates at or above 50 percent in many nations. Nevertheless, there is relatively little debate about what being a contemporary higher education student actually means. While stereotypes of students are regularly deployed in the media and, in countries where high fees are charged, assumptions are frequently made about students becoming more consumer-like in their orientation, empirical evidence is often lacking.

Hence the University of Surrey organizes a two-day online conference titled What does it mean to be a contemporary higher education student? aiming to redress this omission by exploring the understanding of contemporary higher education students. The abstracts (up to 500 words) are to be sent by April 11, 2021, to the Eurostudents team at

The conference is set to take place on 17 and 18 June 2021, and it is organized by the ‘Eurostudents’ research team (Rachel Brooks, Achala Gupta, Sazana Jayadeva, and Anu Lainio).

More information is available here.

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