The current COVID-19 crisis activated many initiatives worldwide to support and help those who are in need mostly fragmented on a regional scale. Hence, the Enterprise Europe Network launched a new platform – ‘Care & Industry together against CORONA‘.
The ‘Care & Industry together against CORONA’ platform aims to bring together all the different actors in Europe to:
- match offers and requests,
- share knowledges and approaches,
- give an overview of tailormade support in your own region.
The platform offers the opportunity to make targeted and time-efficient contacts with all actors in healthcare, industry, academia and government. By means of an online platform, interested parties can present their profile.
To ensure a maximum of reliability and to avoid fraud and abuse, the different profiles will be validated by regional EEN organisations.
Main goals:
1. Gather and showcase initiatives, offers and needs on a short term.
4. Foster interaction between healthcare, industry, support organisations, government, academia and others.
3. Maximize the reliability of the proposals.