Honorary Professor – Honoris professor

17.05.2021. / news / Dies Academicus

Since 2019, the University of Rijeka awards the honorary title of Honoris professor, following the provisions of the Rulebook on awards and recognitions of the University of Rijeka. The process is initiated and implemented by the Council for Science of the University of Rijeka, upon which the University Senate passes the final Decision. 

According to the Decision of the Senate, this year the title of an Honorary Professor is awarded to Dr. Erhard Busek, President of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe, former Deputy Prime Minister of Austria, whose contribution to the University of Rijeka is measured by extremely active cooperation and its constant international promotion.

These unprecedented circumstances in 2021 prevented the award ceremony. On behalf of the University of Rijeka, Madam Rector Prijić-Samaržija and her team extend sincere congratulations to Dr. Busek and thank him for his outstanding contributions to our University!



President, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe Vice-Chancellor A.D., Federal Minister for Science and Research A.D., and Federal Minister for Education A.D.

Dr. Erhard Busek was born in Vienna, Austria in 1941. He received his law degree from the University of Vienna and also served as Chairman of the Austrian Youth Council during his studies. Since 1995, he is the Chairman of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), aiming to address current questions regarding the Danube region, Central and Southeast Europe to enhance knowledge about the region and promote good neighborly relations. He began his professional career as a legal adviser to the association of the parliamentarians of the Austrian People’s Party and later entered municipal politics. He was a Minister for Science and Research, Minister of Education, and later elected Chairman of the Austrian People’s Party and served as Vice-Chancellor of Austria from 1991 to 1995. He has delivered many lectures on domestic and foreign topics and has participated in many conferences in Austria and abroad. Throughout his career, he held various prestigious positions in national and international committees and boards, i.e. he was the Chairman of the University Council of the Medical University Vienna (MUW), President of ICEUR Vienna, President of the EU-Russia Centre, President of the Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) and many other.

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