Project Techno-Past-Techno-Future: European Researchers’ Night (TPTF-ERN)

28.09.2018. / news / eu projects

European Researchers’ Nights are public events dedicated to bringing researchers closer to the public. They showcase the diversity of research and highlight the impact of research on our daily lives. The aim of this action is also to motivate young people to embark on research careers.

This is the second time for UNIRI to participate in this type of action. In 2013 we had successful application and implementation and that was the reason to join this project in 2018/2019 again. European Researchers´ Night 2018/2019 in Rijeka is organized in the Tower Center Rijeka.

The event is „designed“ to be creative and interactive so it is placed on three floors of the shopping mall and divided into 12 research stations and in a balanced way combining entertainment and “education to science” through researchers’ activities. In every activity audience has the opportunity to be directly involved.

Activities are performed by University of Rijeka faculties i.e. departments (Faculty of Law, Faculty of engineering and the Centre for Micro and Nano technology, Department of Biotechnology, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Civil Engineering) and in 2019 Faculty of Maritime Studies, Faculty of Medicine and Department of Physics joined the project activities so the number of researchers stations has risen to 22.

Project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions and the overall budget is 365.710,47 €. Project has 18 beneficiaries and Coordinator of the project is Ministry of Science and Education.

Promotional video 2018
Promotional video 2019

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