UNIRI and UConn start their transatlantic cooperation

19.06.2024. / news / Int. Cooperation

Recognizing the value of international collaboration and the necessity to find partners that will further the educational goals and priorities of each institution, the representatives of the University of Rijeka and the University of Connecticut signed a Cooperation Agreement in the presence of the media representatives on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. The agreement was signed by the Rector of the University of Rijeka, Prof. Snježana Prijić Samaržija, Ph.D., and UConn President, Prof. Radenka Marić, Ph.D, and UConn Vice President for Global Affairs, Prof. Daniel Weiner, Ph.D.

Rector Prijić Samaržija greeted the distinguished guests on behalf of the host and added: “Today, we enter into an agreement with an extremely important and successful American university, founded in 1881, and headed by a woman originally from this region. As the University of Rijeka wants to position itself as a European university of the future, we cannot be limited only to cooperation with European HEIs. On the contrary, American universities are also very important and valuable partners. The University of Connecticut is a leading American university in the fields of green energy economy and the hydrogen economy. Being fully aware that our regional and national frameworks are not enough for a sustainable future, we turn to this transatlantic cooperation to speed up the process and gain expertise as soon as possible.”

“The University of Connecticut is a leading university for its contribution to the economy of Connecticut. Apart from educating 32,000 students (as many as we currently have), we are the only university responsible for the economic development of the state. About 70% of students who study at UConn come from Connecticut, and most of them stay to work in their home state even after graduation. The University of Rijeka is the first university from this region to enter into a partnership with UConn, and we believe Rijeka and the whole of Croatia have a huge potential. Its unique geographical position gives preference to the use of the sea – an inexhaustible energy source – which can, in combination with solar energy and wind energy, lead to a strong reduction in the carbon footprint in about 10 years. UConn often sends its students for training abroad, to get to know other cultures and gain new educational experiences and ideas, so we see possible cooperation with the University and Rijeka in this area as well. There is no doubt about our good cooperation, especially given our commitment to global sustainability”, President Marić concluded.

“As a professor and a geographer by training, I already knew that Croatia is a beautiful country with much to offer, but in person, it is even more beautiful. Thank you for welcoming us so openly and warmly, and thank you for being the host of this large international conference. Cooperation between universities is a necessity today, and I am fully convinced of the excellent cooperation between our two universities”, Vice President Weiner stated.

This signing ceremony also served as an opportunity to announce the CEEISA-ISA Joint International Conference 2024, the largest gathering of political studies experts in this region so far. To briefly present the aim of the conference, the sigantories were joined by Assoc. Prof. Sanja Bojanić, Ph.D., Head of the UNIRI Center for Advanced Studies of Southeast Europe. During the four-day conference, Rijeka will be the host to more than 800 researchers from all over the world who will discuss the topic of “Global-local: Imagining Pasts, Debating Future” and reflect on how to move forward in times of polycrisis.

Photo credits: Neven Protić

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