Horizon Europe and Croatian Science Foundation offer a wide range of financing possibilities for research and innovation, project-based activities. Links are available below.
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Horizon Europe
European Research Council
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
Horizon Europe’s second pillar consists of six clusters and five missions. It is consistent with global challenges from the Sustainable Development Goals. Its primary goal is improving human lives and protecting the planet for future generations, but also developing European competitiveness in technology.
Second pillar calls are consortium projects that require participation of at least three legal entities, one of which needs to be established in an EU Member State and the other two established in a different Member State or a third country associated with Horizon Europe. An exception considers Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) which requires at least one legal entity.
More information on activities may be found here.
Cluster 1.: Health
Cluster 2.: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
Cluster 3.: Civil Security for Society
Cluster 4.: Digital, Industry and Space
Cluster 5.: Climate, Energy and Mobility
Cluster 6.: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources,Agriculture and Environment
Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area (WIDERA)
Croatian Science Foundation
Croatian Science Foundation is the central national organization for financing scientific research and developing researchers’ careers in the national scientific and innovation system. It provides funding through public calls for programs including: basic and applied research (early TRL phase) and of national strategic importance, and research career development for PhD students and PostDocs.
Foundation’s programmes for scientific research activities are intended for researchers in all career stages and aim at supporting their research activities, enhancing their international recognition and networking as well as strengthening research groups.
Programmes cover research costs, small to medium equipment costs, dissemination activities including open access publications, conferences and training for members of the research team. Calls are open in all scientific fields.
Croatian Science Foundation also provides support for researchers’ career development by financing PhD students employment costs (the DOK programme) as well as PostDocs (through projects in programmes IP, UIP).
More information may be found here.