Info day: Mentoring Activities in MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Projects

07.03.2023. / news / eu projects

The Agency for Mobility and EU Programs will hold an online info day on Mentoring Activities in MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Projects on Friday, March 24, 2023, from 10:00 to 13:30 via the Zoom platform.

The information day aims to familiarize participants with the roles that mentors take on throughout a cycle of Postdoctoral Fellowships. This includes the project proposal writing process and application, as well as the eventual implementation of Postdoctoral Fellowships. The event will feature a presentation on EURAXESS career development tools and similar resources that connect mentors with potential foreign researchers, as well as a presentation on the MSCA Guidelines on Supervision. Participants will also be informed about the obligations and rights of researchers and mentors during project implementation, and Dr. Jelena Godrijan from the Ruđer Bošković Institute will present an example of good practice. Additionally, the information day will cover the Ministry of Science and Education’s measures for strengthening national participation in EU programs, including their potential for funding networking activities and project preparation.

Scientists engaged in research collaboration at Croatian scientific organizations, along with MSCA alumni and returning scientists who are considering hosting postdoctoral researchers in their research teams, are the intended audience for the information day.

Registration at the link is open until March 21, 2023, and participation is free of charge.

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