NANORI in a new collaborative project within the EIC – PATHFINDER OPEN scheme

29.05.2024. / news / eu projects

The Laboratory for Colloids, Polyelectrolytes and Interfaces (LCPI) of the Centre for Micro and Nanosciences of the University of Rijeka is thrilled to announce its participation in a groundbreaking European research initiative. The project, titled In-situ & operando organiC electrochemical transistors monitored by non-destructive spectroscopies for Organic CMOS-like NeuromorphIc Circuits (ICONIC), has been awarded funding by the European Innovation Council under the highly competitive HORIZON-EIC-2023-PATHFINDEROPEN-01 call. This prestigious recognition underscores the Centre’s leading role in cutting-edge research and innovation.

The kick-off meeting for ICONIC took place on May 15, 2024, at the Centre Microélectronique de Provence (École des Mines de Saint-Étienne) in Gardanne.

Spanning the next four years, the ICONIC project aims to significantly improve our understanding of the structure-property relationships underlying the operation of the advanced organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs). These components are crucial for creating CMOS-like neuromorphic circuits, which mimic the neuro-biological architectures present in the human brain, promising significant advancements in independently operating implanted neurostimulation and drug delivery devices. The project’s innovative approach involves in-situ and operando monitoring of the organic transistor channels using non-destructive spectroscopies for probing their electronic properties pertinent to biological applications, paving the way for more sustainable and efficient organic electronic devices.

The University of Rijeka’s NANORI – Laboratory for colloids, polyelectrolytes and interfaces will be a partner in this collaborative effort, contributing its extensive expertise in spectroscopic ellipsometry and spectroelectrochemistry. The laboratory will work alongside leading institutions and industry partners across Europe, fostering a multidisciplinary approach to tackle the project’s ambitious goals.

“We are incredibly proud to be part of the ICONIC project,” said Assoc. Prof. Duško Čakara, Ph.D., lead researcher at NANORI. “This initiative not only highlights our research capabilities but also strengthens our commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and technological innovation. The potential applications of this research are vast, from improving the performance of organic electronic devices to contributing to the development of next-generation neuromorphic systems.”

The HORIZON-EIC Pathfinder Open program is known for supporting high-risk, high-reward research that has the potential to lead to significant scientific and technological breakthroughs. The selection of the ICONIC project is a testament to its innovative vision and the excellence of the research team behind it.

As the ICONIC project progresses, the University of Rijeka will share updates and breakthroughs with the general public, contributing to the broader scientific community’s understanding of organic electronics and neuromorphic computing.

For more information about the ICONIC project and NANORI – Laboratory for colloids, polyelectrolytes and interfaces, please visit the laboratory’s website.

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