New UNIRI Strategy 2021-2025

07.04.2021. / news / About the University

The University of Rijeka adopted its new Strategy titled “European University of the Future”, for the period 2021-2025. This Strategy is the result of one year of intensive work and active participation of all relevant University bodies, as well as all members of the University included.

The novelty of this Strategy is that it contains both quantitative and qualitative metrics, to point out that we do not see development as something that is only measured but to show that we truly respect and appreciate the richness and diversity of achievements that cannot be turned into numbers. We remain fully committed to our responsibility to society and the fact that continuous improvement and excellence must be our core values.

To achieve our goal of becoming an internationally recognized, open, and modern European university whose impact extends beyond the walls of institutions, research disciplines, and borders, this Strategy promotes the values that form the true idea of our University: responsibility, openness, innovation, and connection.

Our new Strategy can be found here.

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