On gender dimension in STEM

13.06.2024. / news / Diversity

Assist. Prof. Brigita Miloš, Ph.D., coordinator of the Center for Women’s Studies of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, held a lecture dedicated to the gender dimension in STEM, on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at the UNIRI Rectorate. The audience – members of the scientific-teaching and project staff of the University of Rijeka – were introduced to the key reasons for the importance of the gender perspective in STEM disciplines and the guidelines for gender-sensitive teaching, emphasizing the planning and implementation of teaching activities.

During the lecture, Miloš highlighted both pragmatic and qualitative reasons for including the gender dimension in STEM and mentioned examples of gender-sensitive innovations from practice.

The lecture followed the 20th session of the Gender Equality Council of the University of Rijeka and is part of the broader program of the regional project UNIGEM (University and Gender Mainstreaming) and the implementation of the Gender Equality Plan of the University of Rijeka 2021-2025. The activities are set to be continued in the fall and will be focused on practical application and research on ways to improve gender equality in STEM.

Brigita Miloš is an assistant professor at the Department of Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka and a coordinator of the Center for Women’s Studies. In her teaching and research work, she deals with gender studies focusing on gender aspects in literature and the issue of the body in feminism.

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