Cultures of Rejection Video

24.02.2022. / news / university and community

The ”Cultures of Rejection” project investigates the conditions of the rise of extreme right and right-wing populism across Europe. In five different countries, co-constituted by the migration route of 2015, researchers form Serbia, Croatia, Austria, Sweden and Germany have investigated how the rejection of migrants, institutions and liberal democracy have become acceptable.

In collaboration with filmmakers and designers, the research team has developed a film which guides viewers through the questions their research poses, and the findings that the investigation yielded. The film is available at the Cultures of Rejection website and YouTube channel.

Beginning with the presentation of the project’s research angle, focusing on transformations of labor and everyday life in several settings (Part 1), the videos begin to take a tour through the pressing questions and the finding of the project’s investigations: How does racism figure into the interpretation of crises (Part 2)? How are transformations of the work environment related with the cultures of rejections (Part 3)? What roles do further changes in the rhythms and spaces of social life play (Part 4)? In what ways does growing disillusionment with anything political figure into the current situation (Part 5)? Which new responses arose during the pandemic (Part 6)? The right, we highlight, actively tries to bypass old forms of politics – what other politics could meet the challenges of our times (Part 7)?

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