The University of Rijeka actively promotes the value of ensuring quality:
- By instituting and improving its quality assurance system following European guidelines for quality assurance in higher education, and other national and academic norms
- By promoting the active involvement of all constituents and continuous student engagement in our quality assurance system
- By basing its study programs on innovative scientific research at the University
- By actively including students in the educational process and other academic activities
- By creating an inspiring environment for academic work
- By promoting internationally relevant research and developing study programs that ensure its active role in local economic progress and social wellbeing
- By demanding transparency and responsibility in all managerial activities
- By monitoring educational quality indicators and, according to the findings, periodically revising its policies, goals, and practices, all with the aim of ensuring the highest degree of quality
Prof. Snježana Prijić-Samaržija, PhD
Our quality control system
Our quality control system aims to establish institutional mechanisms that will aid us in evaluating and coordinating different initiatives and developmental programs. From a long-term perspective, these innovations will help promote the highest standards of professional conduct and development across various scientific domains. The University of Rijeka finds its greatest advantage and appeal in its insistence on providing students with the highest standards of excellence, in the quality of its scientific research, and the quality of its contributions to social development.
In its Strategy for quality improvement, The University of Rijeka aims to support excellence:
- By sustaining a dialogue about quality, and promoting the culture of excellence both within and beyond the academic community,
- By developing and organizing evaluative and self-evaluative processes focused on different aspects of education, and on different target populations (students, teachers, admistrative staff, managers, employers, the public opinion),
- By gathering constant feedback from students and attending to their criticisms, suggestions, and comments,
- By clearly defining its standards and criteria regarding quality,
- By developing internal mechanisms (processes) for quality assurance and improvement,
- By ensuring that all constituents are efficient in applying these internal mechanisms for quality assurance and improvement,
By promoting staff development and providing professional training for its teachers, managers, and administrative staff.
Centre for Quality Assurance
Radmile Matejčić 3 51000 Rijeka
Andrea Miočić, prof. 51 584 856
Aleksandar Šušnjar, mag. educ. phil. et philol. angl. 51 584 855