Program kratkih predavanja Sveučilišta za 3. dob započinje temom mindfulnessa

08.01.2025. / vijesti / treća dob

U utorak, 14. siječnja 2025. godine u 17 sati na Filozofskom fakultetu u Rijeci (kampus na Trsatu) u učionici 138 za početak proljetnog programa Sveučilišta za 3. dob,  prof. James Downing održat će predavanje na engleskom jeziku Mindfulness for Healthy Aging: Enhancing Well-Being at Any Age. Sudjelovanje je besplatno i prijave nisu potrebne.

U nastavku se nalazi opis na engleskom jeziku i kratka biografija predavača. Na linku možete naći cijeli program kratkih besplatnih predavanja.

Mindfulness is the practice of focusing your attention on the present moment with openness and curiosity.  In this presentation, you will discover how mindfulness can reduce depression and anxiety, improve cognitive abilities, and even help the immune system to fight disease.  Learn how it can assist in managing pain, enhancing emotional resilience, and contribute to a better quality of life.

We will explore the science behind mindfulness and guide you through brief, easy-to-follow exercises you can incorporate into your daily routine.  Whether you are new to mindfulness or looking to deepen your practice, this presentation will provide you valuable tools to help you age with greater ease, balance, and joy.

About lecturer

Dr. James Downing is a Professor of Psychology at Sul Ross State University with over three decades of experience in academia and administration. He holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Colorado, Boulder, complemented by advanced studies in social psychology, clinical psychology, research methodology, and counseling. Throughout his career, Dr. Downing has served in various leadership roles, including Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Chair of the Department of Behavioral & Social Sciences.

A two-time Fulbright Lecturer, Dr. Downing has an international footprint, having lectured in Croatia, the University of Vienna, and contributed to global academic collaborations. His teaching repertoire spans undergraduate and graduate courses, with specialties in social psychology, person-centered theory, and advanced research methods. Dr. Downing’s research and publications explore political psychology, attitude structures, and person-centered approaches in higher education and counseling. A committed community advocate, he provides outpatient therapy for seniors and engages in public service initiatives.

Sveučilište za 3. dob projekt je Sveučilišta u Rijeci koji se provodi uz financijsku potporu Upravnog odjela za zdravstvo, socijalnu zaštitu i unapređenje kvalitete života Grada Rijeke te Primorsko-goranske županije, a namijenjen je osobama treće životne dobi iznad 55 godina sa završenom srednjom školom ili fakultetom.

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